The title of this blog is taken from my favorite movie: The Princess Bride. Miracle Max and his wife say "Have fun storming the castle!" as Inigo, Fezzik, and Westley set off on their big adventure to save the princess. And that's what this blog is about: adventure, fun, and saving the world.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Octopi are amazing!

I saw this video on Ted-Talks a few weeks ago. I've watched this video about 20 times since and I still wouldn't know there was an octopus there if I were the diver. An octopus can change its texture, shape, and color in order to camouflage with its surroundings. I wasn't able to find details on the mechanism, but if scientists could mimic that process and incorporate it into clothing the applications would be endless. Even if its not physically possible, someone in Hollywood should make a private investigator Octopus-man hero out of it.

Also, I think this is the first time I've seen an octopus actually squirt ink.

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